Teaching Feeling Mod APK V4.0.13 Download (English) For Android

For Android 10, Teaching Feeling Mod Apk 4.0.13 Latest Version Download is now accessible. For Android, you may use the Mod Cheat Menu to play Teaching Feeling Mod APK and iOS Download for Android in both English and Spanish. Stay with us to the end as we go over all there is to know about this game and how to download and install it on Android without any issues.

Perhaps they act intimately towards one another, such as chatting to, touching, or giving the other person a head pat. Depending on the decisions taken, this love story will develop differently, and the player has total influence over the direction it goes.

What Is Teaching Feeling Mod APK

Teaching Feeling Mod APK

In order for you to have the most fun gaming experience possible, we want to make sure that you have attained the minimum age requirement before we start teaching you how to play. Teaching Feeling’s core was developed by a young programmer named RayK, and it not covered by any publisher’s copyright.

An alternative is to download the game from the website Apk2me and play it on a Windows computer. In addition, this game also known by a few other names, including Life With a Slave and Dorei to no Seikatsu, both of which may found online. Each name will well-suited for use in a range of situations and will be well-known there. Are you ready to dive into Teaching Feeling’s plot, which many people consider to be more of a lengthy novel?

Teaching Feeling Mod APK 4.0 English Android Gameplay

Teaching Feeling APK
Teaching Feeling Mod APK English Version
Teaching Feeling Mod APK iOS
Teaching Feeling Mod APK

Being a Visual Novel, Teaching Feeling’s deep plot and noteworthy highlights aren’t too difficult to comprehend. In actuality, it’s rather simple. To be more specific, the player will change into a doctor and get a gift from a former patient that he had previously successfully treated. The beneficiary of this extremely special gift is a young lady by the name of Sylvie.

This young girl has a remarkable past, and she want to put the pain she has experienced in the past behind her so that she may focus on living her present to the fullest. As a result, the player’s role will be to interact with Sylvie, support her, and assist her in creating a trustworthy connection with herself. The main character and the girl from poverty fall in love towards the end of this story.

Teaching Feeling Mod APK Cheat Menu Features

Throughout the Teaching Feeling encounter, players will come across a range of fresh situations. More specifically, anytime your character interacts with Sylvie, three options will appear on the main screen. To continue the chat, pick any one of these options.

Children should not play Teaching Feeling MOD APK because it contains explicit material and allows players access to a beautiful servant girl who will obey their every instruction. This game resembles a visual novel in many ways, however there are certain areas that include material that is only meant for those who are at least 18 years old. You should play this game as soon as possible if you are of legal age.

Novel-like Stories

You will without a doubt appreciate this game if you enjoy reading fiction and playing story-based video games. The fact that every character you meet in the video game was adapted from a book reveals that it is a book-based film. You won’t get bored playing this game at any time since it presents a tale that is consistently entertaining and captivating.

To Suit Your Needs, Change Your Persona

You are surely aware that a game may easily become quite boring if the gameplay is simple and there are no alternatives for customising the experience. But if you download this Teaching Feeling APK, you won’t have to worry about becoming tired of it because it allows for customising.

Another aspect that improves the quality of this game above more plain rivals is the ability to customise your character. If you want to play a game that is akin to a novel so you won’t get bored, download the game.

The Degree of Closeness

In order to help preserve the bond that already exists between their character and Sylvie, the player must pay special attention to the proximity index. The very top left corner of the main screen will display this stat bar. You must cater to her needs in order to keep the closeness level at fifty. This bond will also strengthened if you two get more intimate. advance more quickly.

Within the first 15 days of the trial, Sylvie will have a mystery ailment. You should attempt to heal her if you want to build a lasting connection. Use of the screen’s “touch” button at this time strictly discouraged. because it will make her uncomfortable and make her consider how you are using her body for dubious acts. You will quickly reap the rewards if you start off calmly and steadily.

Maintain Your Usual Schedule

Despite Sylvie’s presence, the player is still in charge of ensuring that his character continues to live his previous life. This means that in order to pay for everything, including the necessities for you and Sylvie, the doctor person still needs to work.

The player’s relationship with the girl who works for her will progressively deepen and become more profound, which will eventually lead to a variety of exciting experiences.

Amazing Two-Dimensional Pictures

Teaching Feeling’s graphical framework is built on the more conventional two-dimensional structure. The game’s most crucial elements all serve to highlight the main point that the developers want players to take away from it.

Most people’s perceptions of Sylvie are that she is weak, shy, and in need of a companion with whom she may share their suffering from the past. Also, the transition effect is really fluid and accurately captures the conversation and storylines that are included throughout the game.

Simple To Play

Given your extensive gaming background, you should have no problem playing this game. because it includes a manual that guides you through each step and offers help. Because the decisions you make will affect how the tale turns out.

It may be staged as a play or as a novel. Basically, all you have to do is win the love of the main character’s girlfriend. Finally, she’s come to realise that you’re the one for her and has developed feelings for you. As a result, you must adhere to the instructions in order to play the game.

Teaching Feeling Mod APK 2023 Supports Several Languages

This game is quite well-known throughout the entire world. The ability to accommodate many different languages is therefore crucial. Almost all of the languages now in use are supported by this video game. Most people have previously downloaded this game in a large number of countries. The English language version of this game may be easily downloaded from our website.

No Advertising

Any game’s advertising may be really annoying, so I can see how you could find it disappointing that this one will show you very long ones. This is the case even if the MOD version states that it has no adverts and has never displayed any of yours. You shouldn’t experience any issues using the programme any more.

Teaching Feeling Mod APK Latest Version 2023 Main Characteristics

  • The game is easy to learn.
  • Your character is something that you can alter.
  • books with stories
  • support for several languages
  • 2D graphics are included.
  • English and an intuitive user interface
  • unlimited sums of cash (MOD feature)
  • MOD Cheat Menu is self-conscious about how they look.
  • makes an attempt to eat wholesome meals.
  • believes that their friends’ sentiments matter.
  • tries to act in a suitable manner.
  • compliments should only be given when they are genuine.
  • demonstrates empathy towards people who are suffering.
  • They are attempting to keep people from becoming furious.
  • Even if it doesn’t make them happy, they can go out of their way to please their friends.
  • Help in making sure that all kids are eligible to participate in school events.
  • Make sure that everything in the house has been gathered and put in its proper place before going to bed every night.
  • When they are finished with anything, they always strive to find a new use for it rather than discarding it, such as recycling or reusing it.

Mod Information And Requirements

NameTeaching Feeling Mod Apk
PlatfromAndroid, iOS
DeveloperHimiko-s and Ataraxia Ero
Total Download450K+

How To Download & Install Teaching Feeling Mod APK For Android 10

  1. You may download it through the website that is provided below, where you can also easily access it.
  2. You may click the Teaching Feeling APK Download Link to start the process of downloading the game’s Apk File to your device.
  3. Device will start downloading when you click on the supplied link.
  4. After a few delay, it will now be downloaded to your mobile device.
  5. You may access this Download Game Apk File by going to the Apk Download Folder in the memory of your mobile device.
  6. The mobile setup page will now load, and the first instruction will be to press the Unknown Source button.
  7. You must now return to the place where you obtained the apk file and choose the Teaching Feeling APK link there.
  8. The game will then be downloaded to your mobile device, and all you have to do to start playing is launch it.


Although the Visual Novel video game genre has not advanced much in recent years, gamers’ attention is nevertheless piqued whenever it is played. Teaching Feeling provides the clearest example of this. This video game has many appealing qualities and a gripping story to go along with them. You should expect to have a strong sensation of attraction for something the first time you encounter it. The fact that this game has arrived on our website should not be ignored.

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